Cedar County

FAQs for Real Estate

  Real property should be reassessed every odd-numbered year and in even-numbered years the Assessor places a value on new construction.  It is based on the condition of the property on January 1 of each year.  If a building is removed any time after January 1, it is taxed for the whole year.

  Under Missouri law, property tax assessments must be based upon market value and should be uniform.  Over time, property values may change due to the location of the property, sales in the surrounding areas, and other factors.

  Market value is the price that your real property would bring if offered for sale if you were not forced to sell and the buyer was not obligated to buy.

  No, real property is assessed into three categories with separate rates.

Rates for real property:

  • Residential – 19%
  • Commercial – 32%
  • Agricultural – 12%

  The Assessor is required to send increase notices to the owner of record of real estate in the county.  Notices are required to be sent out by June 15th each year if the value of your property has increased.


  1. Informal hearings: If you feel that the new value of your property is incorrect, call the Cedar County Assessor's office at 417-276-6700 ex. 259.  If we cannot answer your questions by telephone, you can schedule an informal hearing with the Assessor.  This informal meeting must take place within 10 days of the receipt of your change of value letter.

    Changes in the market value of your property can only be made if you can provide documentation and supporting information that the value assigned to your property is incorrect.  Examples include a RECENT sales contract (within 12 months) or a RECENT appraisal (within 12 months).

  2. If you are not satisfied with the explanation of why your property increased in value, you may appeal your assessment to the Board of Equalization.  Please contact the County Clerks Office at 417-276-6700 ext. 222 to schedule an appointment by the deadline listed in your increase notice.